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Member Spotlight: A message from Charles Richards, our new co-president elect!


I am looking forward to serving the Roanoke Valley as co-president with Ashley Fisher. I have been a member of the Roanoke Valley Chapter of VSLA for many years.  I have worked in many capacities within our chapter and also at the state levels. I enjoy working with and learning from the professional people who are involved in these organizations. VSLA and its chapter members help focus our commonwealth on the importance of literacy.  A a veteran teacher of 39 years, I love the energy and excitement of VSLA. I also enjoy the focus on community.  One of my favorite activities with the RVRC is our annual book drive with the associates at Tanglewood Barnes and Noble. The associates encourage buyers to donate a book to our local chapter. These books are used for several of our chapter programs like Books For Babies; Open Books, Open Doors; Little Free Libraries; Literacy Celebration: and others. 

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